I can't believe we just finished our second last week of the challenge and are heading into reveal week! Cue the panic LOL. If you've been following along my progress we had a lot happen in the first month of the challenge and less in the second....thank you cold and flu season. With our preschool toddler coming home weekly with some new virus it's definitely been tough to keep the progress up weekly but I have to say I am super happy with the results so far! I can't say I will be ready to fully reveal this week but I sure am close. I'll summarize for you below...
What has been completed:
- New light fixture
- New TV hung
- New sofa arrived
- New accent chair
- New rug
- Toys from Montreal house moved in
- Storage unit set up
- Kids table set up
See the photo below for the current progress of one view of the space:

Here is a list of items I'm still working on:
- Wallpaper (I've finally chosen one from Wallpaper Direct, now to install)
- Toy organization & storage (read below)
- Play wall sign
- Swap out flush mount light by doorway
- Potential drapery
Here is the current organization unit in the playroom. This was originally in E's bedroom at our Montreal home used as book, stuffy and blanket storage but it fit this spot perfectly in the playroom. Now, it just needs bins, sorting and labels and will work great in here. I have these clear bins coming this week from The Container Store for the second row and the top row of shelves I think I'll keep as book storage. I hope to slowly add more storage bins from there as we find homes for everything.

Across from toy storage we have this mess of a wall haha. I hope to create a craft area and some sort of storage for the play kitchen food. Stay tuned!

Head here to check out all the other amazing projects going on here. Check back next week for the temporary reveal!
